

Here’s a collection of all used references for setting up this portfolio


Abel, F, K Ejeskär, P Kogner, and T Martinsson. 1999. “Gain of Chromosome Arm 17q Is Associated with Unfavourable Prognosis in Neuroblastoma, but Does Not Involve Mutations in the Somatostatin Receptor 2 (Sstr2) Gene at 17q24.” British Journal of Cancer 81 (8): 1402–9.
Bachour, Raougina-Laouisa, Oksana Golovko, Martin Kellner, and Johannes Pohl. 2020. “Behavioral Effects of Citalopram, Tramadol, and Binary Mixture in Zebrafish (Danio Rerio) Larvae.” Chemosphere 238 (January): 124587.
Banik, Rounak. n.d. “The Complete Pokemon Dataset.”
Dua, Dheeru, and Casey Graff. 2017. UCI Machine Learning Repository.” Machine Learning Repository.
Esposito, Maria Rosaria, Sanja Aveic, Anke Seydel, and Gian Paolo Tonini. 2017. “Neuroblastoma Treatment in the Post-Genomic Era.” Journal of Biomedical Science 24 (February): 14.
Louis, Chrystal U, and Jason M Shohet. 2015. “Neuroblastoma: Molecular Pathogenesis and Therapy.” Annual Review of Medicine 66: 49–63.
Majchrowska, Sylwia. 2021. “Recognition and Counting of Microorganisms on Petri Dishes.” Medium.
Maris, John M. 2010. “Recent Advances in Neuroblastoma.” The New England Journal of Medicine 362 (23): 2202–11.
Mlakar, Vid, Simona Jurkovic Mlakar, Gonzalo Lopez, John M. Maris, Marc Ansari, and Fabienne Gumy-Pause. 2017. “11q Deletion in Neuroblastoma: A Review of Biological and Clinical Implications.” Molecular Cancer 16 (June): 114.
Monclair, Tom, Garrett M. Brodeur, Peter F. Ambros, Hervé J. Brisse, Giovanni Cecchetto, Keith Holmes, Michio Kaneko, et al. 2009. “The International Neuroblastoma Risk Group (INRG) Staging System: An INRG Task Force Report.” Journal of Clinical Oncology 27 (2): 298–303.
Murali, Adithya, Aniruddha Bhargava, and Erik S. Wright. 2018. IDTAXA: A Novel Approach for Accurate Taxonomic Classification of Microbiome Sequences.” Microbiome 6 (1): 140.
Paraboschi, Irene, Ester Bolognesi, Adele Giannettoni, Stefano Avanzini, Michele Torre, and Giuseppe Martucciello. 2021. “The Role of Biopsy in the Workup of Patients with Neuroblastoma: Comparison of the Incidence of Surgical Complications and the Diagnostic Reliability of Diverse Techniques.” Children (Basel, Switzerland) 8 (6): 500.
Rifatbegovic, Fikret, M. Reza Abbasi, Sabine Taschner-Mandl, Maximilian Kauer, Andreas Weinhäusel, Rupert Handgretinger, and Peter F. Ambros. 2015. “Enriched Bone Marrow Derived Disseminated Neuroblastoma Cells Can Be a Reliable Source for Gene Expression Studies.” PLoS ONE 10 (9): e0137995.
Sumner, Josh, Leah Haynes, Sarah Nathan, Cynthia Hudson-Vitale, and Leslie McIntosh. 2020. Reproducibility and Reporting Practices in COVID-19 Preprint Manuscripts.
White, Michael. 2021. “How Microbiome Research Is Becoming a Huge Data Science | Built In.”
White, P S, J M Maris, C Beltinger, E Sulman, H N Marshall, M Fujimori, B A Kaufman, J A Biegel, C Allen, and C Hilliard. 1995. A Region of Consistent Deletion in Neuroblastoma Maps Within Human Chromosome 1p36.2-36.3. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 92 (12): 5520–24.
Whittle, Sarah B., Valeria Smith, Erin Doherty, Sibo Zhao, Scott McCarty, and Peter E. Zage. 2017. “Overview and Recent Advances in the Treatment of Neuroblastoma.” Expert Review of Anticancer Therapy 17 (4): 369–86.
Willems, Karlijn. 2018. “Machine Learning in R for Beginners.” Datacamp.