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To prove my ability to create a package based on previous code, I have created the “PokemonAnalyse” package, a package created to analyse a pokemon dataset. This package is available on the public repository linked here. The package can be installed using the following command:
::install_github("PedroDeBos/PokemonAnalyse", build_vignettes = TRUE) devtools
For the creation of this package, the pokemon database created by Banik (n.d.) has been ultilised under the “public domain” license.
The package has been created to incorporate 4 commands: pokemon_legendary, type, stats and weakness
pokemon_legendary states whether the selected pokemon is a legendary or not
## [1] "Aggron is not a legendary pokemon"
## [1] "Arceus is a legendary pokemon"
pokemon_type determines the types of the selected pokemon
## $Aggron
## [1] "Aggron is a steel and a rock type"
## $Arceus
## [1] "Arceus is a normal type"
pokemon_stats gives the stats of the selected pokemon in the form of a plot
and finally, pokemon_weakness gives a spread of the weaknesses of the selected pokemon, also in the form of a plot
each of these commands include a help page when using “?pokemon_stats”. Furthermore, the package also contains the “pokemon” dataset, provided by Rounak Banik on kaggle under a CC0 license. And finally, the package also contains a “vignette” page, which can be accessed by the command vignette(“pokemonAnalyse”) or the command browseVignettes(“PokemonAnalyse”)